About the free online course: Work Ready Skills: Job Searches, Writing a
CV and Interviewing
Are you a student looking for graduate study opportunities? or a graduate searching for job prospects? looking to increase your confidence and success
rate when applying for opportunities?
If yes, then this free 2 weeks online course is for you. This online short
course "Work Ready Skills: Job Searches, Writing a CV and Interviewing" is
designed with the aim to provide candidates with the day-to-day work-ready
skills needed to secure employment opportunities (including graduate school
positions). This includes the discovery and gaining of skills such as
interpreting and responding to job advertisements and selection criteria,
writing application letters and resumes and developing interview skills for
job seekers.
The short online course is provided by Central Queensland University, for a
two weeks duration. What is special about this course? Through this course,
you will be exposed to real-world examples of advertised positions, response
criteria to address, templates for preparing for job interviews and other tips
to assist you to succeed in your endeavours. Through this, candidates are
expected to learn how to write a resume and cover letter that stand out from
the rest, and above all, acquire the skills and hence confidence needed to
succeed in interviews and get that dream job, graduate position etc...
What are the topics to be covered in this course?
Listed below are some of the main topics that will be covered
through the short online course at the Central Queensland University,
- The Recruitment and Selection Process
- The Job Application
- Cover Letter and Resume (CV)
- Planning for the Interview
- Develop Interview Skills
- Transitioning into a New Role
Why should you take this course? (Benefits and expected achievements)
Firstly, you should definitely take this course because it's free, and it's
100% online. You don't need to be displaced. It has no specific requirements
to get enrolled. Furthermore, at the end of the course, the enrolled students
should achieve the following skills and even get a free certificate:
Ability to model a well-written job application. Learn how to write a
resume and cover letter that stand out from the rest.
Discover and develop new interview and writing skills to succeed in your
discovery and gaining of skills such as interpreting and responding to job
advertisements and selection criteria etc...
Course Enrolment Details
Course Duration: 2 weeks
Class Duration: 2 Hours a week
- Pace: Sell-paced
- Location: 100 % online
- Cost: Free
Completion Award: A free Certificate of Achievement with 90%
- Starting date: Any time
Organizer: Central Queensland University
Learning Materials: a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and
short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
How to get enrolled or Register for this course
To register for this free Work Ready Skills: Job Searches, Writing a CV
and Interviewing course is easy.
visit website
Create your account and register on the learning platform
Start your free online classes. See screenshot for details below
This course is available for free and it's a short course (2 weeks duration).
A completion certificate upon about 90% completion of the course. Candidates
equally have an option to obtain an unlimited monthly subscription for a year
after that to get continuous access to the online materials. The course
materials can equally be purchased with a one-time instalment.
See what other students are talking about this course below
More online Courses with Certificates :
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