University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2025 in Bioethics and Health Law

About the Position University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2025 in Bioethics and Health Law This scholarship is offered by the University of Sydney to support a PhD student in conducting research in the fields of bioethics or health law. It focuses on enhancing the physical and mental health of individuals born with innate variations of sex characteristics (IVSC). The scholarship aligns with Australia’s national Interconnect Health Research project, which aims to develop ethical and effective healthcare models. This opportunity is open to domestic and international students pursuing a PhD within the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney. Scholarship Overview Scholarship Type: Stipend allowance Stipend Value: $30,000 per annum for up to 3.5 years Research Support: Participation in the Interconnect Health Research project focusing on bioethical frameworks and co-designed healthcare models Study Level: PhD Study Courses: Bioethics, Health Law, Medi...

Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Stipend Scholarship 2021 2022 -ANU

Australian Government Research Training Program scholarships

About the Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Stipend Scholarship 2021 2022 Australian National University

If you have been looking for excellent scholarship opportunities with amazing international student benefits to study in Australia, then this is what you have been waiting for!

The Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship popularly known in Australia as AGRTP Stipend Scholarship or simply RTPS is a commonwealth sponsored program to support international students undertaken research programs to study in Australia. The scholarship is famous for providing  other additional amazing benefits and supports apart from the full tuition cover. This scholarship is available annually. So you can apply every year around this particular time. Check the various scholarship rounds and apply early. See more detail on official scholarship site at the end of this post.

You can read more about RTPS here other similar Australian government sponsored scholarships

ANU AGRTP stipend scholarships  benefits and Value

  • Scholarship Cover: Full tuition fee cover for the duration of studies
  • Scholarship Value :$28,597 per annum 2021 value
  • Living Cost : Fortnight Living allowance
  • Health Cover: Full Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) 
  • Other supports : Thesis allowance, dependent child allowance, Paid medical, maternity and parental leave
  • Study Level: Masters/PhD by Research
  • Study Course: Open to all study areas
  • Student type:  International student
  • Number of Offer : Varies
  • Deadline: Closing 15 April 2021

Equally check Fully Funded Graduate Research Scholarships Melbourne University 2021 2022 ( Masters/PhD -600 OFFERS)

Eligibility Criteria for ANU AGRTP stipend scholarships 

This is a research scholarship program. It is generally very competitive. To be eligible for one, applicants are expect to meet a number requirements. 

To be eligible for this Australian National University  AGRTP stipend scholarships , applicants are expected to meet these requirement outline in the Commonwealth Scholarship Guidelines (Research) 2017  stipulating  conditions of award.

You might want to learn more about general requirements for research scholarship programs to study in Australia.

Selection Criteria for ANU AGRTP stipend scholarships

The ANU AGRTP stipend scholarships are awarded to top ranking applicants. Consideration factors for this selection include : 

  • Evidence they meet merit-based selection criteria, 
  •  Confirmation of a qualified supervisor. Research student must always get approval from an academic staff in that institution ready and willing to supervise their projects. The most difficult task for students here include how to contact these supervisors, convince them to offer them a  studentship position position. You must develop the necessary skills and learn how to successfully contact potential supervisors
  • Space and resources being available, in an area of research that is aligned with ANU research strategy.

Also check  ANU HDR Fee Merit Scholarships 2021

How to apply for ANU AGRTP stipend scholarships

No application is required for this scholarship! You will be automatically considered if you gain an admission  in the Australian National University.

If you don't know where to start with admission applications, see our step by step guide on how to apply for admissions in Australia at the end of the post 


Who to contact for more information on this scholarship

For any further information on this scholarship please refer to :

ANU Graduate Research Office 

Equally make sure to visit official scholarship page for more information on this scholarship

Also check Australian Government Research Training Program scholarships(AGRTP) -Finders University

Equally check Australian Awards scholarship program 2021 2022. This is one of Australia's most prestigious country specific scholarships for international students. Applications still going on! Check to see your country's eligibility and various courses open for you to apply

Some  essential  tips for successful scholarship application

As a general tip, when Applying for a scholarship ,you must keep in mind that ,this is not just about meeting the eligibility requirement .There are many other things you must consider. Find out below some of the things you need to know on how to successfully apply for a scholarships, get admissions into Australian Universities...

Other related links mentioned in this post you should equally check:

    For all future updates on scholarships information and guides to study in Australia don't forget to subscribe and follow below .Be the first to get scholarships information from our website

      Good luck with study in Australia endeavors! AND hope 2021 brings  you more joy and success!


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