Top Australian Universities by Subject: A Comprehensive Guide to Academic Excellence

  Top Australian Universities by Subject: A Comprehensive Guide to Academic Excellence Australia boasts a diverse and robust higher education system, with universities excelling across various disciplines. Here's a comprehensive guide to the top Australian universities for specific subjects, based on recent rankings and achievements. 1. Engineering and Technology University of New South Wales (UNSW): UNSW's Faculty of Engineering is renowned for its excellence, ranking first in Australia for several engineering disciplines, including Civil, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, and Chemical Engineering. University of Melbourne : Consistently ranked among the top institutions globally, the University of Melbourne's engineering programs are highly esteemed. 2. Medicine and Health Sciences University of Sydney : The University of Sydney has been recognized for its global leadership in medical research, with several researchers leading in their respective fields....

Australian Government Research Training Program scholarships(AGRTP) -Flinders University

                    research training program scholarships-rtps

About Australian Government Research Training Program scholarships(AGRTPS) -Flinders University

Australian Government Research Program scholarship known as RTPs or AGRTPS is a popular  award program sponsored by the  Commonwealth government of Australia to support both domestic and international students studying in Australia. It is a research- based Masters and PhD scholarship program. These scholarships are administered by various Universities around the country.

The Australian Government Research Program scholarship to study in Flinders University is a great opportunity for any high achieving international student interested to undertake Research Doctorate and Research Masters degrees  in Australia. This scholarship comes with a lot of other little benefits apart from the tuition fee offsets. RTP allowances for example cover costs related to the ancillary expenses of research degrees etc.. See detail about Flinders RTP scholarship benefits below.

Flinders AGRTP scholarship benefits and Value

  • Scholarship Cover: Full tuition cover (Masters /PhD for the duration of studies )
  • Scholarship Value: $28,597 pa (2021 rate) tax free for full-time study
  • Living Cost : Fortnight stipends
  • Thesis Allowance ($500 for all higher degrees by research)
  • Other support : Relocation Allowance for Australian Government RTP Scholarships holders only (maximum of $1,485) 
  • Health Cover: Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Single Membership for international students
  • Study Level and course: PhD or Master of Arts by research
  • Student type:  International student
  • Number of Offer : Varies
  • Application opens : March 2021
  • Application closes : Friday 6 August 2021 at 5pm Australia, Adelaide local time

Eligibility Criteria for  Flinders AGRTP scholarship program

There are a number of criteria applicants are expected to meet to be eligible for  Flinders AGRTP scholarship program : 

  • Applicants must satisfy the University's academic entry requirements for a Masters degree by research or Doctorate by research.
  • Applicants are required to have successfully completed a degree at least the equivalent/comparable to an Australian First Class Hons degree(this is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year)
  • Applicants must have met the English proficiency levels set by Flinders University for international students at the time of application. Students for whom English is a foreign language will need to provide evidence of their English language competence.
  • Applicants must not hold an equivalent Higher Degree by research qualification.  Applications are only open to students commencing a Higher Degree by research in Australia for the first time. 
  • Applicants must not hold Australian citizenship, Australian permanent resident status or New Zealand citizenship. Please see the attached conditions of award for full eligibility criteria.

Selection  Criteria for  Flinders AGRTP scholarship program

The Selection process will be conducted by a Scholarships Committee on the basis of academic merit and research potential.  Applications will be ranked according to the University’s Guidelines for Ranking Postgraduate Research Scholarship.

Important Instructions for applicants

All applicants are expected to read Guidelines for international students before submitting an application to avoid incomplete applications

For a complete application, applicants must attend to the followings :

  1. Make contact with prospective research supervisors (Academic staff contacts Flinders University). Discuss your area of interest and get an approval from supervisor who is ready to supervise you before lodging your application. Check our guide on how to contact potential supervisors when asking for a studentship position. Applicants who do not have a supervisor at the time of application will not be considered for the scholarship
  2. Must have had some publications already. Applicants with no publications have less chances or no chances of obtaining the scholarship
  3. Academic Transcripts. Applicants are also expected to provide certified copies of all university level academic transcripts, translated into English.
  4. Research Proposal. Like most other research scholarship programs to study abroad, applicants are expected to include a research proposal of approximately 500 words in length, outlining the problem, hypothesis or question and the methodology or approach. Refer to our guide on how on 
  5. Academic Referees. Referees are a must also. Applicants must provide recommendation letters
  6. Curriculum Vitae. Applicants are expected to provide an updated CV outlining  work experience, all research experience, and a full list of cited publications included in the application.
  7. Format & Language. Documents will be loaded via the scholarship application portal and must all be in English
These scholarships are very competitive and so there is an expected standard that must be met for all interesting applicants

You can read more about some General scholarship requirements for research degree programs to study in Australia. This also applies to any other country abroad. 

How to apply  for  Flinders AGRTP scholarship program

Applications for Flinders AGRTP scholarship program for international students is around June each year and closes by late August. Interested applicants are highly recommended to submit their applications as early as possible. Applications starts early this year as from March

The applications for the Australian Government RTP Scholarship (International) and admission to candidature are submitted electronically. 

To apply for this scholarships, applicants are expected to first apply for an admission program into a higher degree program of choice( (PhD or Master of Arts by research) and go ahead and submit an application for the scholarship

Who to contact for more information on this scholarship opportunity

For further information on this scholarship, get in touch with Flinders University supporting staffs.

Some  essential  tips for successful scholarship application

    As a general tip, when Applying for a scholarship ,you must keep in mind that ,this is not just about meeting the eligibility requirement .There are many other things you must consider. Find out below some of the things you need to know on how to successfully apply for a scholarships

    Other related links mentioned in this post you should equally check:

    For all future updates on scholarships information and guides to study in Australia don't forget to subscribe and follow below .Be the first to get scholarships information from our website

      Good luck with study in Australia endeavors! AND hope 2021 brings  you more joy and success!


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