PhD research scholarships Monash University
This joint scholarship program seeks to attract high-quality Chinese
students to undertake their PhD with Monash University. Long-term research
co-operation between Monash and research-intensive Chinese universities is a
significantly important aim of the program.
Am I eligible?
You must be one of the following:
You must meet the following criteria:
If you are a current Monash PhD student, you are also welcome to apply for
this program. Please contact your faculty Graduate Research office directly
to indicate your interest.
The research priority areas for these scholarships are:
Please note all CSC linked pages are in Chinese. You may wish to utilise
the 'Translate this page' function within Google Chrome if you require an
English translation.
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) will provide:
an annual living allowance;
Overseas Student Health Cover;
return airfare between China and Melbourne; and
- visa application fees.
In addition, Monash University will provide (for up to a maximum of 4
a faculty full tuition fee sponsorship; and
a supplementary (top up) living allowance up to the
RTP Stipend rate to support students whilst in Australia.
Note: The living allowance commences upon arrival in Australia and is
unable to be backdated for students who commence their studies whilst
Selection criteria
Monash scholarships are very competitive and are awarded based on your
academic record, any research outputs and prior research experience.
You may also like to famililarise yourself with
CSC's selection criteria.
How to apply
As applications are due no later than 31 January, you should initiate your
application to Monash as early as October. If successful, you will
receive your offer from Monash (usually no later than 01 March), after which
you may then submit your application for funding to CSC.
Please ensure you read the application details carefully and submit your
application by the deadline.
If you are a new applicant, you must have obtained an Expression of
Interest (EOI) from the relevant faculty before starting your
For more information visit
website or contact our Graduate Research Admissions team on
E: or T: +61 3 99051538. Apply Directly to Monash
APPLICATIONS Closes 31 January each year
Some Tips for successful scholarship application
When Applying for a scholarship ,you must keep in mind that ,this is not
just about meeting the eligibility requirement .There are many other
things you must consider. Find out below some of the things you need to
know on how to successfully apply for a scholarships and how to
successfully secure this scholarships.
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